Frontend Interview

Frontend Interview

February 1, 2023

Things I typically like to ask during a frontend dev interview

  1. CSS (see below)
  1. React pair coding (

Can you explain CSS Specificity?

const appliedStyles = { ...inheritedStyles, ...tagStyles, ...classStyles, ...idStyles, ...inlineStyles, ...importantStyles }

Which measures do you know? When would you use which one?

  • %:
  • px:
  • em:
  • rem:
  • vh:

Let’s talk about height - style a div so that it’s the full page height:

<div class="wrapper"> <p> I fill the viewport now! </p> </div>
//if nextJS, add below #__next, html, body, { height: 100%; } .wrapper { min-height: 100%; border: solid; }

Talk about internationalisation - LTR - style a paragraph with a 1em margin at the “end” of the text?

p { ... margin-inline-end: 0px; }

Talk about margins - style a footer

.wrapper { display: flex; flex-direction: column; min-height: 100%; } footer { margin-top: auto; } <div class="wrapper"> <p> I fill the viewport! </p> <footer>I'm at the bottom</footer> </div>

Can you name different positioning “algorithms”? How do they “work”?

  • default: static
  • initial
  • absolute
  • fixed
  • relative
  • sticky

Explain the logic of an absolute element? How will it be positioned (imagine inset: 10px)?


What is a stacking context? What are different ways to create a stacking context?

  • Setting opacity to a value less than 1
  • Setting position to fixed or sticky (No z-index needed for these values!)
  • Applying a mix-blend-mode other than normal
  • Adding a z-index to a child inside a display: flex or display: grid container
  • Using transformfilterclip-path, or perspective
  • Explicitly creating a context with isolation: isolate 

How do you achieve a container that can overflow on the y-Axis but not on x-Axis?

overflow-x: clip;
unfortunately not widely supported yet + border-radius will clip y-axis as well in certain browsers (e.g. chrome, not firefox)
or make a wrapper “outside”